Friday, July 16, 2010

The Goldfish Coupon is back!

One of my very favorite coupons is back. My kids are GoldFish fanatics! Click here ( and print this coupon. I generally don't advise printing coupons unless you're pretty sure you're going to use it. I say this because you can waste a ton of very expensive ink printing coupons you may never use especially if the item doesn't go on sale before the coupon expires. On the other hand when you see a high value coupon for something that your family likes, print it! There is a print limit on coupons, so sometimes if you wait, the really good coupons will reach their limit and be gone. Sooooo, if your kids like GoldFish print this coupon and cross your fingers for a good sale. (These won't work at Walgreens this week because they are for the Goldfish Grahams not regular Goldfish)

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