Friday, August 20, 2010

Canning Peaches--SO FUN!

Yay, I accomplished my first water bath canning project!! It was super duper easy, but definitely more time consuming than canning meat (I can't wait to can more meat!) I really enjoyed it. All my jars sealed, they didn't all look lovely, but I'm really not a perfectionist, as long as they taste good I'll be happy. I did have one major catastrophe--I had bought 2 boxes of peaches from the grocery store and they were nice and cold when I bought them. So, a few days later when they were ripened and ready to can, I just opened the top box and got busy. I thought about the bottom box maybe being too warm especially since my kitchen was about 180 degrees while I was canning the first batch, but I didn't open the box. Well, when I opened the box the next day, they were all moldy--soooo sad! Live and learn, I guess. I can't wait to can something else, it is so fun. If only my sister had been here for some great conversation. Maybe next year we'll can fruit together! So, if you've never canned, don't be afraid just follow the directions to the T and it's a piece of cake!

I had 3 books on canning, I know 1 would have been sufficient! But the best tip I got from one of the books was to sterilize your jars in your canner and just take them out one at a time when you need them. Then as soon as you finish a jar just put it back in the canner. That way you don't have to worry about fruit fresh to keep your fruit from browning. It's definitely something that you figure out what works best for you as you go. I changed a few things as I went until I got into a good rhythm.

Happy Canning!!!

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