Friday, March 5, 2010


Here is my Vons frozen food run. I have to say that I'm a little disappointed in Vons right now. I've been to two different stores over the last few days and I've been told that they have yet another new coupon policy. Now they will only take 1 IP per like item at one store and at the other store they will only take 2 like coupons per item IP or insert. Then I was talking to a girl who shops at the same store that I do and she said her $10 FF cat did not print and that they told her it was because she used coupons. She kindly pointed out to them that the ad does not state the $25 total must be before coupons. It gets a little frustrating when stores would rather punish those of us who play by the rules, rather then properly train their cashiers on how to spot fraudelent or photo copied coupons. What they need to learn is that coupons are NOT a discount they are a form of PAYMENT. The stores are reimbursed the value of the coupons + an 8 cent handling fee. What I think I'll ask next time I have a conversation with one of these store managers is if they discriminate in the same way against customers who use food stamps or pay with a credit card--credit card users actually cost them money because they must pay the bank for the processing of credit card payments. One cashier actually said to me that they were trying to discourage "THOSE people" who use a bunch of coupons and she stood sorting through my stack of coupons!!!!

Anyway, thankfully my cat did print and here's what I bought:

2 Michael Angelo single serve $2.99 ea
2 Green Giant Vegetables $1.79 ea
2 Pillsbury Toaster Struedel $2.50 ea
4 C & W Vegetables $1.99ea
4 Old Orchard Juice $1.29 ea
1 Yotplait Fiber one yogurt $$2.50 (not part of FF deal, obviously)

B1G1 Free Michael Angelo coupon here
$1.00/1 Pillsbury IP (wouldn't let me use 2) FF IE
$ .50/2 GG here
$1.00/2 (2)C & W coupons on freezer door in store
$1.00/4 Old Orchard here
$1.00/1 Fiber One
$10 cat from P & G promo
The following coupons I had loaded onto my card from and deducted automatically
Pillsbury 3 X $ .55
Green Giant 4 X $ .50
Yoplait 2 X $1.00
OOP $6.24
Got $10 Cat

My plan is to use my $10 cat to buy frozen Chicken and be done with Vons for a while. The irony of this is that their closest competitors in my neighborhood are Smiths and Albertsons and of course Walmart those three stores are always busy and Vons is rarely busy and I mean rarely!

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