Friday, December 18, 2009

Vons 12/17

Here's my Vons trip last night.
4 Froot Loops $1.50ea when you buy 4
4 Holiday Brownies 1.25 ea
4 Wheat thins $1.50ea
1 Ritz Crackers $2.00
1 chex mix $2.00
1 Powdered Sugar $1.75
1 Red Wine Vinegar $4.19

(4) $1 Froot Loops Blinkies (I got these about a month ago)
(2) $1/2 Cracker coupons
Free Powdered sugar Vons coupon
$4 Star Coupon from mailer
$5 auto deduct for crackers
$1.50 e-coupons deducted for Chex

Paid $10.50 Saved 43.56(who would really pay that much?)
I'm going to buy more crackers tomorrow, I could saved more buying all 10 in one transction. Then I'll send in the receipt for the $10 Rebate
There were Nabisco coupon booklets with the Rebate form at my Vons by the cracker display. You have until the end of January to do this Rebate.

Vons has coupons in their ad for free item each day with a minimum $20 purchase. My Vons has never questioned me about the $20 purchase (I always have $20 before coupons), but I did read something interesting on their website that says when you use super coupons, your $20 is BEFORE club card AND coupon savings. So, that is super simple to reach, my total was $54 before I scanned my card. You may want to print this and keep it with you (same thing on Safeway website) just in case!

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